TBC Crafters 73 – Pipe Cleaner Dolls

Well, my Little Porky has taken over my blog. She has a list with almost 20 different craft ideas that she would like to share with all the other kids who love making crafts like her. Although not every idea on the list is good enough and worth for me to spend time to take pictures and write a post, there are quite a bit of nice and creative ones. I am going to help her to develop some ideas into feasible craft projects. Here is one of them, pipe cleaner dolls. In fact, she has made one 2 months ago but just forget where she put it. I found it in one of her “treasure boxes” and she made a “pairing friend” for her today.


Material needed:

Pipe cleaners, various colors, prefer longer ones for easy handling

Pencil, new or used is fine

Adhesive tapes

Beads and scissors, optional


Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Use the pipe cleaner to form a loop and use a piece of tape to fix it on top of a pencil as the head of the doll.

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2) Use another piece of pipe cleaner to wrap around the pencil to form the arms of the doll. If you use long pipe cleaner, you can actually use the same one to form the head as well as the arms.


3) Use pipe cleaners of different colors to wrap around the pencil as the body of the doll. Little Porky used different color pipe cleaners to make shirts and pants/dresses for her dolls.


4) For girl doll, Little Porky inserted some beads into the pipe cleaner to make hair accessories.


What do you think? I think that it is pretty adorable.


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